At a hearing in the House Budget Committee, the Minister of Economy, Giancarlo Giorgetti, defined financially “radioactive” the most expensive and senseless measure put in place by the Grillini, at the time of Conte Lider Maximo who took away our freedoms with Prime Ministerial Decrees, announced on unified networks. So much so that according to the latest estimates the same measure would be weighing on public accounts by a mere 4.6 billion euros per month.
In this regard, it is worth reporting in full the effective intervention of Daniele Capezzoneuttered during a recent episode of Tonight Italybroadcast on Rete4: “I would like to make a humanitarian appeal, because there are two people missing this evening, one is Giuseppe Contethe then Prime Minister who passed the measure, and the other is Roberto Gualtieri, currently the catastrophic mayor of Rome and then Minister of Economy. When the provision was made, being a law that provided for an expense, do you know what coverage they had provided for this thing that ruined everything? For the first year 62 million, that is a coffee, then one billion, three billion and finally in the fourth year two billion. That is, they had foreseen the cost for four years which is now a month and a half, you understand that – thunders the editorial director of Free – these people should go into hiding for life and instead they still pontificate?”
But there is more, sorry to say, even great Mario Draghi he should make amends, since he harshly criticized this Keynesian madness when he was at the helm of the country, without however having the courage to profoundly sterilize its effects on the public budget, as the current right-wing executive is doing, with some difficulty .
So, Super Mario, whom the whole world envies us, understood perfectly the catastrophic effect on the public accounts that the radioactive measure was producing when fully operational, without however – he who on paper did not have to deal with the alchemy of consensus – adopting a draconian cut of the measure itself. The malicious will probably say that at that moment, having badly failed his self-candidacy for the Quirinale, perhaps he was thinking of capitalizing in another way, which was evidently also aborted, his undoubted qualification as a super-luxury reserve of the Republic.
The fact is that the superbonus of the ran away from hometogether with a whole series of other radioactive measures – including the citizen’s income and the famous one hundred quota adopted in concert with the League – have practically eliminated any room for maneuver for future governments, exposing the country, in the case of any serious economic and/or financial turbulence, with potentially catastrophic risks.
In reality, to conclude, the mythical multipliers that the Keynesians themselves cited, praising the certain and progressive fate of the superbonus itself, have actually worked. Except that it was not the gross domestic product that multiplied, but rather the state debts, which weigh like a boulder on the shoulders of the increasingly exhausted Pantalone. Nothing but chatter. is also on Whatsapp. Simply click here to subscribe to the channel and always be updated (free).