Let’s start 2025 with misleading headlines in almost every newspaper: stop Russian gas.

Written like this it seems that Vladimir Putin uses gas as an improper weapon. It’s false. It was Zelensky who vetoed the transit of Russian gas through Ukraine, and had already announced it in the press conference of December 19, 2024: «We will not allow {the Russians} to earn further billions with our blood. Any country in the world that buys cheaply from Russia will eventually become dependent on it.”.

Let’s recap: the Nord Stream pipeline was the work of the Devil, because it transported cheap gas to Germany across the Baltic Sea, cutting off Eastern European countries. In order not to depend on Russia, strategic and complementary to the main EU economies, we hang on the lips of a country that is not strategic at all, judging by the allergy of European farmers when they hear about Ukrainian products.

I imagine the accusations: you are a Putinian bastard! In a similar topic, a few weeks ago I was overwhelmed by authoritative words like boulders, hurled by Federico Rampini against the category of people like me: «Biden was not the hawk who incites the Ukrainians to fight a proxy war, according to the caricature in vogue among self-styled pacifists, Russophiles and Putinists» (Corriere della Sera, 17 November 2024).

Bleeding to the core, and almost dying, I was saved a few days later by the words of a probable Russian infiltrator who confirmed my thesis: «Let’s face it: {in Ukraine} we are waging a proxy war» (Telegraph, 28 November 2024).

His name was Boris. Agent Boris Johnson.

PS: after reading the first comments, I realize that I took something for granted that wasn’t true at all. In the war raging on the borders of Europe, Russia is directly involved, so only NATO is fighting by proxy. This means that, according to Boris Johnson’s declarations, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians were sent to the slaughterhouse to defend NATO interests, certainly not to preserve the independence of Ukraine, which in fact was destroyed.