Chiara Ferragni, from model entrepreneur to teenage tiktoker (almost 40 years old)

That Chiara Ferragni outside her comfort zone she doesn’t attract much interest is a well-known fact. But in recent months the former influencer has been demonstrating it with ever greater force. The narrative …

Chiara Ferragni, from model entrepreneur to teenage tiktoker (almost 40 years old)

That Chiara Ferragni outside her comfort zone she doesn’t attract much interest is a well-known fact. But in recent months the former influencer has been demonstrating it with ever greater force. The narrative built over the years on the emancipated, strong entrepreneur, the self-made woman all’italiana, collapsed like a sand castle following the investigation into pandoro. She was part of a team that built an empire, she put her face to it and for years it worked. But the decline in popularity after December 2023 showed that what she sold to her followers was largely storytelling, otherwise now the attitude in the face of undoubted difficulties would be different. Over the years she has shown on social media an idea of ​​what people would have liked her to be. Which is what she is doing now, but in the opposite direction.

If until a few months ago it was all about sharing bags, trips, shoes, accessories worth thousands of euros, now Ferragni shows an image of herself in regression. Browsing through her stories and her posts there is nothing left of the resolute and self-confident woman that she wanted people to believe she was. Now there is only one teenager almost 40 years oldwho throws barbs at her high school sweetheart to giggle gleefully with her friends in the company. Too bad she’s a mother, with a marriage behind her and a company that makes millions of euros. Is the real Ferragni the one of today or the one of yesterday?

It would be nice to believe that at least one of the two images reflects her true nature, at least the followers would know who they have in front of them. The truth is that neither of these is her. Chiara Ferragni is used to having the consent around her, is her true oxygen and without it she risks going out. The perfect storm that took her by surprise (perhaps) in December has shattered all her certainties and she suddenly found herself catapulted into a world where there were not only yes men. Hence the mania to recover. She lives for approval, lives to be the center of constant attention and suffers if someone dares to criticize her. And what is the best way to achieve this? To be what others want her to be. After the separation from Fedez Her followers, whose average age is just 18, wanted her reaction to mirror theirs.

And so here she is trying to please them. Phrases of an interrupted teenager, motivational interventions, horoscope, digs at her ex-husband and so on. Everything that any girl would do when she breaks up with her boyfriend of the moment. A follower-catching strategy that maybe works, because her followers identify with her in this way. But Ferragni has evaluated the impact that this has infantilism will have on the companies she chairs? Who would want to invest in the project of a 40-year-old who has regressed to adolescence?

What reliability can it guarantee? And if to this we add the total loss of confidence Following the investigation into charitable donations, there are many questions about what future Ferragni is facing

imagining for herself. Because the impression is of a person adrift, completely detached from the real world, who perhaps doesn’t even know who she really is, a victim of herself and her ego to feed.