First they tried to ridicule him, to describe him as if he were a crazy populist, then they tried to ghettoize him, defining him as a right-wing extremist, then they tried to belittle him by saying that with him Argentina would have sunk into a disastrous situation that did not have the famous skills to be able to govern a country. Today even the opponents of Javier Milei, the President of Argentina, must surrender in the face of the facts, in the face of the evidence. What do the facts tell us? The facts tell us that thanks to Milei’s economic policies carried out in just a few weeks, in just a few months, but with a precise direction of cutting public spending, cutting waste, cutting the corruption that has devastated Argentina in recent years with what was in effect a left-wing Peronist government, which led to skyrocketing inflation, which led to a dramatic economic situation. For Argentina, thanks to these policies of Milei, for the first time in 12 years Argentina has a financial surplus in a monthly period, which is an unthinkable result until a few years ago in which there was an economic policy that was an economic policy entirely oriented towards welfare, entirely oriented towards public spending.
Imagine that Argentina, which is a nation that has around 47-48 million inhabitants, had a sort of measure which was a mega citizen’s income which affected around 4 million Argentinians and this generated an enormous cost for the State, without talk about the problem of corruption. Not only did Milei manage to obtain this result of the financial surplus for Argentina, but he also said that the issue of the public deficit is an issue that cannot be questioned, the consolidation of public finances is a pillar for him of its government action. To tell the truth, for those who have actually tried to delve deeper into the figure of Milei, who is an economist, one of the most esteemed and well-known Argentine economists, who also has a solid cultural basis, his frequent quotations also include Hayek’s thought , of the Austrian school, the contrast with the Keynesian vision of economics, this news is not surprising. It is surprising to those who have a vision of foreign policy with gods ideological blinders, which makes you take one blunder after another as evidenced by this result achieved by Milei. And I would say that the liberal revolution in Argentina has just begun. Long live freedom! is also on Whatsapp. Simply click here to subscribe to the channel and always be updated (free).