– Thecla Insolia on the red carpet with hair under your armpits. You are free to do so, we are free to consider them unwatchable.
– Between Count And Cricket we have reached the final stages. The leader cancels the contract, objectively embarrassing, of the comedian, who responds by stating that everything is still in force (but will not be renewed). It doesn’t matter. The truth? That grillism is deadGiuseppi has decided to take over the M5S and now Beppe no longer has troops to fight him.
– David Casaleggio he says: “In the end there will only be one voter left.” And he’s right, since his father’s great dream has turned into a pathetic nightmare. But I would add one thing: that single voter will not be either Beppe or Giuseppi. Who probably no longer even believe in the creature they say they are fighting for.
– Reading today Republic it seems that Francis Spano resigned due to homophobic issues, caused by pro-lifers. In reality it was what forced him to take a step back Reports with his investigation into the Maxxi contracts against the husband of the former Mic chief of staff. Throwing it on the alleged homophobia in FdI is not only wrong but also out of place. If there is a “political hitman” from Spano, he is called Sigfrido Ranucci with his pre-episode pizzini.
– And now we will also take the defense of Francis Spanogiven that his appointment – as we have said several times in this column – was out of place due to his past at Unar and the clashes with FdI and Giorgia Meloni. From what has been possible to reconstruct, the lawyer Mark Carnabuci he was Maxxi’s legal advisor since 2018 and every year (you can see it in the transparent administration section of the museum) the contract was renewed. Year after year, even when Spano didn’t even work at Maxxi. Then at a certain point Spano becomes secretary of the museum and in 2023 he renews the consultancy for 14 thousand euros (small change) to the man who in the meantime had become her partner and husband. Now, if this is the case, can you explain to me why poor Carnabuci should have lost his job just for having married Spano? Had it been a new assignment, the controversy would be understandable. But here we are talking about a contract that has been in place for at least five years. I remind you that we created a great controversy over the decision of the IOR in the Vatican to fire two employees who in the meantime had gotten married.
– Roberto Left-handed he is no longer the coach of Saudi Arabia: the coach from the Marche region has reached an agreement for the consensual termination of the contract that tied him to the Asian national team since August 2023. We are all curious to know how much he will get from the “consensual termination”. Question: did it make sense to leave Italy for all this? Yes. In fact, the national team made a poor impression at the European Championship and Mancini avoided it, earning quite a bit of money in the meantime. Call him stupid.
– They tell me that the CEO of the company Toyota of Bologna, where two workers died due to an explosion, he reached the top of the company a few months ago. I imagine the sigh of relief of those who preceded him for having removed themselves in time from a situation which now, with two deaths, will not be pleasant at all.
– Beppe Room he’s right. It is incredible that the appointment of the ANCI should be decided in the living room of Goffredo Bettinisomeone who is considered a gray eminence but whose latest stroke of genius – the marriage between Zingaretti and Conte “a very strong point of reference for all progressive forces” – turned out to be a resounding failure. Confirming the fact that something is moving in those rooms, there is Fabrizio Roncone’s violin performance entirely dedicated to Grand Vizier Bettini. So embarrassing especially for the portrayal of a person who, although influential in the Roman underworld, did not demonstrate great ability when he had the opportunity to dictate the line of the Democratic Party.
– Is it possible for a TV series not to be aired by order of a magistrate? Yes. Unfortunately, in Italy it is possible and it is also decidedly aberrant. Let’s talk about the production on Avetrana and the murder of Sarah Scazzi: a judge Of Taranto accepted the appeal of the mayor of Avetrana and therefore ordered a precautionary suspension of the broadcast. The mayor would like to preview it, as if we were in the USSR, because everything “risks determining a further attack on the rights of the personality of the municipal body”. The tragedy is that the suspension is not requested “after” having seen the film, criticizing it maybe ways and contents. But first, to make sure that “the association of the town’s name with the film adaptation arouses defamation by representing it as an ignorant, retrograde, silenced community”. , which for all he knows the mayor could also draw Avetrana like an earthly paradise. The tragedy is that the judge also agreed with him. Let’s be clear: the writer believes that a TV series on a news event so close in time is out of place. But it is certainly not a judge who can choose what to broadcast. What about freedom of expression?
– In the folds of SheetI find this refrain that the Melonians seem to have coined for Minister Giuli: “Our sunny thought is not to please the left”. It makes you laugh. And it’s true too.
– Threats a Silvia Albanomagistrate who canceled the detention of migrants in Albania, are to be condemned. Always and anyway. Unfortunately, the world is full of idiots incapable of discerning between legitimate criticisms and fetid threats.
– About forty wounds appear to have been found on the Milan robber killed with scissors by the Chinese shopkeeper. A little exaggerated, as a reaction. But anyone who is not in that situation, being robbed, risking losing everything, cannot understand what goes on in their head. A theft does not justify a murder. But it can be a mitigating factor.
– It seems that the alleged relationship between Silvio Campara And Clear Ferragni is already at the jokes
finals. In fact, no one has ever confirmed the story. Yet I remember the enthusiasm with which Chiara’s orphan-newspapers hoped for a new love for their champion, who had fallen from rags to riches because of a Pandoro.