The surrender of “beautiful souls” on Rai schedules, orphaned by censorship and purges

THE Rai schedules have been closed and the truth is that there is little news. And then this is not even news, in a historical moment in which broadcasters tend to rely on …

The surrender of "beautiful souls" on Rai schedules, orphaned by censorship and purges

THE Rai schedules have been closed and the truth is that there is little news. And then this is not even news, in a historical moment in which broadcasters tend to rely on guaranteed used. And that’s fine. After all, the public, and especially investors, must be held on to, especially in such a highly competitive context. A side note deserves the reconstruction of a branch of TeleKabulthe return of the left-wing garrison on RaiTre with names like Roberto SavianoGeppi Cucciari, Gad Lerner, Marco Damilano and Sigfrido Ranucci, just to name a few. And all this in what the opposition calls “TeleMeloni”. Not bad. And yet, the pure hearts, the beautiful souls lent to television opinionism, have something to complain about.

Not that it’s surprising, given that the beautiful souls are ready to raise their erudite finger and to take the chair always and in any case, but in this case it certainly makes you smile. A little out of compassion and a little out of condescension. Above all because they don’t realize what they’re saying and how they’re saying it and it’s almost funny to see them shout, even losing that intellectual aplomb that they pretend to exhibit, when in the list of names they haven’t seen the name of their new darling, the former press office of the Democratic Party, Serena Bortone. Lèse-majesté!

Affront, insult, villainy, outrage, and all the other synonyms available in the Treccani dictionary have been used by pure hearts to cry out against injustice. On the other hand, the journalist has been universally taken on the left as a symbol of “telemelonian” censorship, as an example of a new form of intellectual dictatorship. Novella Giovanna D’Arco victim of the bad guys who want to silence the voice of anti-fascism. But Bortone, in truth, refused two programs, one on Rai1 and one on Rai3, as the CEO explained Roberto Sergio. Proposals that she refused to do a radio program on Radio2.

A fine piece of cake for the beautiful souls, ready to set off with their lance at the ready to attack Mazzini Avenuewho can no longer support the idea, all their own, of purge. They tried to argue that it was still censorship, because they managed to eliminate their martyr from TV but they found themselves violently clashing with reality, when they understood that Radio2 is a visual project and that, therefore, Bortone will still be on Rai2. What a disappointment to lose such a great pretext to cry out against censorship.

But they quickly made up for it, finding something to complain about with Roberto Saviano, present in the schedule but still polemical with Rai. But that’s fine too, at least they have something to talk about under the umbrellas of Capalbio in the next weeks.