trees on fire, shots in church

Tree of Christmas set on fire, crosses in the cemetery torn down, machine gun fire in the Greek Orthodox church. These are happy holidays to the Christians of the “good” jihadists, those cleaned up by …

trees on fire, shots in church

Tree of Christmas set on fire, crosses in the cemetery torn down, machine gun fire in the Greek Orthodox church. These are happy holidays to the Christians of the “good” jihadists, those cleaned up by Abu Muhammad Al Jolanithe former cutthroat who has now shaved off his beard a bit and, having overthrown the bloody Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad, is preparing to establish profitable diplomatic relations with Western countries. Italy included.

Of course, in words our leaders ask for reassurances: respect minorities, include women. In fact, he will win Realpolitik. Maybe this is how it has to be. But at least let’s admit it. Enough hypocrisies, enough fig leaves: human rights, international law… We supported Ukraine not because a sovereign country does not invade (what about Iraq? What about the Bay of Pigs?), but because we are enemies of Russia. We will support Jolani’s government for more or less the same reasons: Assad’s ouster is a blow to the Russians, it is better for us to support the neo-Ottoman designs of Türkiye, to which, as the European Union, we are about to give another billion euros to avoid a new migratory crisis on the eastern borders of the continent. That is, in Germany.

What will the West do? Jolani’s perfunctory phrases will probably suffice. And it will eliminate sanctions. He will close one eye, maybe even the other. It’s Realpolitik. This is how the world works. But at least let’s face it. Without playing the good guys anymore.