Let’s get back to talking about presidential Americans. The State-by-State proportional distribution of the 538 Electors (capital letters to distinguish them from the common ones given that their specific task is to appoint the President) depends on the number of inhabitants based on the result of the Census which takes place for this purpose (not only, indeed) every ten years since 1790.
Following the outcome of the Census dated 2020, this year (it will also be the same in 2028) the distribution of the aforementioned has undergone – obviously only in the States that have presented significant increases or decreases in terms of residents – the following variations:
- Californiafrom 55 to 54
- Coloradofrom 9 to 10
- Floridafrom 29 to 30
- Illinoisfrom 20 to 19
- Michiganfrom 16 to 15
- Montanafrom 3 to 4
- New Yorkfrom 29 to 28
- North Carolinafrom 15 to 16
- Ohiofrom 18 to 17
- Oregonfrom 7 to 8
- Pennsylvaniafrom 20 to 19
- Texasfrom 38 to 40
- West Wirginiafrom 5 to 4.
It should be noted that in general – not that it is an earthquake, of course – the states that tend to be republican have gained voters to the detriment of those that are generally democratic. Again: that It is the first time that California has lost delegates; that New York State continues to decline; that Florida and especially Texas are growing.
Mauro della Porta Raffo
Honorary President of the Italy USA Foundation
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