why Hamas rejects the “two states”

Hamas confirmed, and there was no need given that it has been saying it since the day of its foundation and also reports it in its statute, which rejects the existence of Israel and consequently …

why Hamas rejects the "two states"

Hamas confirmed, and there was no need given that it has been saying it since the day of its foundation and also reports it in its statute, which rejects the existence of Israel and consequently also “the two-state solution“. To reiterate what Western leaders up until now have not wanted to listen to, if they had done so they would not only have understood it but also learned it by heart, it was the same Khaled Meshal, the leader of the organization abroad from his refuge in Qatar. The one in the form of a suite in one of the most beautiful hotels in the world, six stars, with tennis courts, indoor and outdoor swimming pool, sauna and four restaurants.

How it ended is written in all the history books today.

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The photographs and videos of those same Rambos probably did not reach Qatar as they surrendered in their underwear and handed themselves over to the Israeli army with the hope of saving their lives. Otherwise, there is no doubt, the tones would be different. The fact is that for Khaled Meshal, from his golden refuge and with the millions of dollars of unknown origin found in various banks in the best tax havens, It’s easy to be tough. He probably doesn’t want to see and he doesn’t want to hear, in essence he refuses to admit that after three months of war there is perhaps thirty percent of the armed wing of Hamas left and that it is in danger of extinction.

Khaled Meshal and the rest of the clique do not want to see and do not want to hear that the people of Gaza are supported, and barely, by what remains of the help humanitarian international regularly plundered by his own militias.

At this point doubts and questions arise spontaneously: why is it that when Israel says that, despite the Oslo treaties and all the others that were signed subsequently, the possibility of two states is no longer possible everyone’s outcry, European Union in the head, are they immediate while after Hamas’ declarations silence reigns supreme? But the president Joe Biden and his faithful squire Antony Blinken (who, among other things, speaking in Davos explained that without a Palestinian state Israel will not achieve real security), did they understand what the Hamas leader said? Also because the Israelis, we can be sure of this, would not agree very much. Because if they knew about this statement, which effectively puts an end to the failed policy in the Middle East that has been going on since Obama sat in the Oval Office, then they should start thinking about a different solution.

For the moment Hamas doesn’t want two states, it wants everything and as usual it will get nothing. This mental block also explains why Abu Mazenwhen at Camp David with Olmert as prime minister he had in his hands the possibility of regaining almost all the territories, ending the dispute, recognizing Israel and moving towards normalization, he left the negotiating table and became a fugitive.

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