They want to make the defenders of freedom appear crazy

With the usual lucidity and foresight, and with the courage that has always distinguished him, at a certain point in his career Sergio Ricossa he was no longer content with calling himself a liberal and …

They want to make the defenders of freedom appear crazy

With the usual lucidity and foresight, and with the courage that has always distinguished him, at a certain point in his career Sergio Ricossa he was no longer content with calling himself a liberal and preaching in vain “among a few right-thinking people”: “The “right-thinking people” have lost the ability to be indignant. These right-thinking people were good people, moderate, sensible, well educated, old-fashioned liberals, that is, willing to defend freedom with sermons. Let's think of Luigi Einaudi, a great preacher, who preached continuously from 1893 to 1961. Result? The same assessment of him is: useless sermons. Totally useless.” (The unbearable weight of the state – Leonardo Facco Editore, 2000).

The new fake liberalsoften heirs of liberticidal ideologies, they regain their virginity and they mock the “preaching liberals”: “Gramsci had already mocked Einaudi by telling him more or less: preach, preach, your bourgeoisie maybe applauds you, and then does the opposite of what you ask. Do we want to end up like Einaudi Luigi, whose sermons did not even convert his son Einaudi Giulio (a communist to the last, therefore today remembered as the “true and only” Einaudi worthy of entering the history of Italy)? I don't want to end up like that, for half a century Luigi was a teacher for me. Today he can no longer be, and I regret it. Calling myself a liberal and a libertarian is no longer enough for me, after what happened from 1989 onwards(Ibid).

Finding the strength to be indignant in the face of violations of freedom, disguised as altruism and good feelings. Raise the bar and risk being thought of as crazy: “I define myself as a libertarian or anarcho-individualist. In Italy we are very few; in the United States, a little more. Who is a Libertarian today? He is no longer a “right-thinking”. He is a malthinker, even a madman. Crazy for freedom. He doesn't have a political party. He is certainly not left-wing, but not right-wing either. He sees the State not as his protector, but as his tormentor. Any state, starting with the communist one. The libertarian today returns to visceral anti-communism: he is no longer in fashion, but he returns to it. The libertarian thinks with his head. Fashions and social conventions do not interest him” (Ibid).

All against, right-wing and left-wing statists. The important thing is to unmask the enemies or false friends of freedom: “What results do we hope to achieve? Unlike the communists we do not know the laws of history. Whatever will be, will be. It is enough for us to save our souls, to have stood up for freedom to the bitter end, to have unequivocally indicated the eternal enemies of freedom. We ask for nothing other than what is already ours from origin: being responsible for our lives, disposing of the fruits of our work, associating with our neighbors as we want and by mutual agreement. That's all. Yet, the Italy we are in has robbed us and is robbing us of everything, even the hope of a better future (always promised, never favored by statist politicians). Around us we only see the resignation of the robbed or their stupid recklessness or their connivance with the thieves. We do not belong to any of these categories. So we are the crazy libertarians, proud of our madness(Ibid). is also on Whatsapp. Simply click here to subscribe to the channel and always be updated (free)